Our Plant in Almeria
Gador, next to the valley of the river Andarax, is known because of the good quality of its oranges and because of being the largest producing area of vegetables in Europe. In this privilege area is where is located our plant to elaborate the ecological squeezed juice refrigerated, gazpacho from Andalucia- South of Spain (cold soup made from tomatoes, peppers…) cream and clear soup, all of them 100% natural products under the brand DON SIMON.
The plant has its own research and development area the one that permits to obtain the best quality in the products, because of the way in which is treated the raw materials, preserving all the natural properties. It is equipped with the last technology in some installations of more than 15,000 m2 on an 80,000 m2 parcels.
In this area J. Garcia Carrion buy the production of 1,200 Ha, property of more than 850 farmers, with which we have signed long term agreements. It has also promoted between the farmers of the region the conversion of the conventional plantation into ecological crops, whose oranges are picked when they are in their optimum time of maturity, from which we obtain our ecological squeezed juice Don Simon certificated as an environmentally natural juice by the Andaluz Committee of ecological agriculture (CAAE).
The plant has 7 lines of aseptic packaging and a transformation capacity of more than 120,000 tons of fruit and vegetables per year.
In our plant of Almeria, we have introduced innovative solutions to preserve the environmental aspects of the sustainable development (water management, the used of fuels with emissions to the atmosphere less pollutants as natural gas, waste management, etc…).
The use and optimization of water consumption, highly valued resource in the area, it is one of our achievements in the reduction of the environment impact through the treatment and re-using of the sewage water.
The plant has introduced the system of quality managements ISO 9001 and the international protocols of food security BRC (British Retail Consortium) and IFS (International Food Standard), with the maximum qualification in the audit certification.